The Need for Electric Vehicle Cybersecurity Will Increase

AI / IoT

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is gaining momentum, with experts predicting 125 million EVs on the road by 2030. This transition holds promise for Smart Mobility, addressing air quality, noise pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. However, as this technology takes gains more popularity, cybersecurity will become a bigger problem.

Developing countries aspire to embrace EVs for economic benefits by reducing fuel imports and carbon emissions. Yet, dependence on Chinese manufacturers raise cybersecurity issues. According to PwC India, up to 80% of an EV's components, including the management and battery system, are imported. This dependency creates opportunities for threat actors with intent to maliciously collect data.

Charging stations also pose cybersecurity risk because hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in Near-Field Communication (NFC) cards and outdated Open Charge Point Protocols. Risks include man-in-the-middle attacks, unauthorized billing, and data privacy breaches through USB ports. As the EV industry evolves, legislation to enforce network segmentation technology and mitigate associated risks, will be needed

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